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About me…

Self-taught silversmith, Artisan Jeweler

As a kid, I always had at least one rock in my pocket.  Head down, always looking for the coolest thing that had been unearthed by natural means or otherwise. I always felt that one day I would be able to take these found treasures and do something amazing with them.  Then the real world came into play. Fast forward 22 years, now a well-seasoned ER nurse and my once small and dependent girls were now off to college or about to be.  I needed something to ease my empty-nest syndrome.  Something challenging that let me use the right side of my brain instead of the left.  Something that appealed to my love of unearthed gifts.  So with a few used tools, my creme brûlée torch, and a ga-jillion You Tube videos I began my foray into what would one day become a blossoming business.  I am a work in progress and not a classically trained Goldsmith.  I strive for perfectly imperfect and I love all of the goofs, mars, and scars that a self-taught silversmith leaves on their pieces.  Have a look.  Let me know what you think.

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